Getting Back To It! - Hallway To Elsewhere
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Getting Back To It!

I’m back (if you even knew I left at all.) 


Like I said in one of my last blogs, I needed a little recharge after going hard to get Shadow of the Dragod out, finishing my yet-to-be-released standalone novel, standing up a new website, and starting up Stone of the Scarred.  I was feeling burnt out, and as I learned in past stretches, there’s only one way for me to cure that feeling.


Take a break.


So I decided to take a few months to try to get back to neutral. Hiking, reading, training the new pup, playing with the kiddos, and catching up on some video games. 






A little mid-hike hurdle that decided to pose for me.

And I’m happy to say those months were well worth it. About a week ago I returned to Stone of the Scarred, book 2 in the Scarred World Saga, with a little more pep in my step. The story of Requiem and Dash is flowing pretty naturally and I’m getting to all my daily word goals. Word goals aren’t something I’ve always set for each project, but I think it makes sense right now for me. I’ve set some aggressive world goals and it’s helping me push myself and stay focused while I’ve got the energy to do it.


Let’s see how long I can continue it until there’s a hurdle in the road, which I’m sure there’ll be. Just the other day we had a full day of activities planned for the family and I found myself sitting down to write 2k words at 9 pm (already close to my bedtime.)  It was a grind that evening, and I was pretty close to giving up, but the thought of already blowing my goal in the first week kept me going and I was able to power through. Using the Cold Turkey app, which forces you to use your computer to only write until the word goal or time allotment is reached has been a huge help. I’m not affiliated with this program or anything, but I’ve found it to be a lifesaver when you want to sit down and just crank out some words.  


If I can sustain the energy and the pace, Stone of the Scarred draft 1 should be done relatively quickly and I’m hopeful that I can have it in your hands soon.


For now, here’s a little bit of what I’ve written so far. Talaremy and Runk are two new companions that Requiem has picked up along the way. They’re leading him and Glassius to mine nearby where they plan on doing some poking about.


They’re a bit of an odd pair, and maybe you’ll pick that up from the snippet below:


Their horses took the depraved terrain well, so use to the rocky and uneven surfaces of the mines, though it took some goading. There was something in the air that made them reluctant. Requiem didn’t know if it was the sour stench of the grabbler the wind kept blowing in their faces or the scent of whatever it was lurked beneath their feet. Up ahead, Talaremy baited Runk with small red pebbles that might have been pieces of ruby or smolderite, urging the creature forward despite its tendency to stop every few feet and hoot its concern.


“Ain’t asking you to do nothing but follow,” said Talaremy. “That’s it. Won’t have another Erdelle incident.”


“What happened in Erdelle?” said Requiem, knowing the small mining town to the south built straight into the side of Mount Lance. 


“Got spooked by their celebration of the Purple Sky. First time he ever heard a bang-crack and he went sprinting. Took me three days to find him with his head hiding in a tree hole. Another day to convince him to come out.” 


Let’s see how Talaremy and Runk do if there’s a big surprise waiting for them down the road. Something tells me that Runk might be hiding his head in a tree for a little longer than that.


Now that I’m back, I’m hoping to post here more too. Give some more insights into the work. Update on Art Quest and talk more about random musings that come to my mind.


For now though, I just wanted to stop by, say hello, tell you all how I’ve missed you dearly, and give a quick update on my writing. 


Hope all is good in your woods and looking forward to continuing exploring Elsewhere with you all.


Stay classy, Fellow Creatures!



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