Onto The Next One - Hallway To Elsewhere
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Onto The Next One

I’ve started.


I’ve heard from some of you about the lack of me finishing what I started… aka getting idea happy and bolting over to the next shiny thing. 




I’ve found it challenging to stay in the same world for an extended time when there’s so much else I want to explore, especially when that hit of joy is at its highest during the creation period.  It’s hard to stay away from that seductive juice when you know it’s right around the corner.


But that’s not fair to the readers.


I think we all know someone who has been burned by authors who don’t follow through on specific series or are derailed by some other side project. It can be frustrating.  


While it’s important to respect an author’s own creative process and vision, and everyone has their own stuff going on (myself included), I think it’s also important for authors to respect the hunger of their fans.  


Basically, this is just a roundabout way of telling you that I’m reeling back in my wandering ways and have officially started the 2nd book in the Scarred World Saga: Stone of the Scarred. 


I’ve found my way back to Moonsland and I’ve started to see where Requiem and Dash will go next. Or perhaps, what misfortunes may befall them. 


A Sample


I’m happy to report that chapter 1 is done. I’m ~4500 words in and things are off and running.  Here’s a tiny snippet of what I’ve got so far.


“She has no right,” said the Abyss. “It is the girl’s. It is yours. She’s a traitor. A cog in the mechanisms that now propel the demise of the world. She must be stopped and you must help the girl.”


I can’t go back there… I won’t, said Dash.


“Look around you? Where is there a resolution to your needs and wants? Another village miles away from here? Your father needs you. He cannot wait the weeks it will take you to find more Black Lens.” The Abyss sniggered after its commentary.


The city will be in a frenzy. My neck will be cut for good.


“Do you think they care what happens to such an insignificant pawn as you? Killing you. Finding the others. It was only to delay the inevitable. A war is coming and they are preparing for it. Mobilizing their forces to mask what’s really happening.”


And what is that? 


“The ending of a world.”

As you can probably tell that’s Dash still having some difficulties with the Abyss inside her head. I’ll add that it’s not going well, but it seems like she might have a way forward. At least for now…

Where to after that? Maybe back to Bothane? Maybe some other mining towns that sprawl across the continent of Moonsland? 

I’ll try to share more when I can. In the meantime, just know things are happening. The cogs are in motion. We’ll be back in Moonsland soon, Fellow Creatures.

Until then,

Stay stupendous! 



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